Congregation Shaara Tfille
The Jewish Community Center
of Saratoga Springs
An Egalitarian Conservative Congregation
Monday and Thursday Minyan
Shabbat Services
Saturdays 9:30am
Services at Congregation Shaara Tfille and via Zoom





Congregation Shaara Tfille, an egalitarian Conservative congregation, welcomes all Jews, inter-faith families and the LGBTQIA+ community. Our Synagogue is a warm and welcoming spiritual home located in Saratoga Springs, serving Saratoga County and adjacent communities. We are a member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.
Religious Services
We are blessed to be able to worship together in our lovely Sanctuary. All our Shabbat, Holiday and bi-weekly Minyan services take place in the Sanctuary or the Social Hall and are available via Zoom.
Hebrew School, Sisterhood, Men’s Club monthly Congregational Breakfasts and meetings of the Jewish War Veterans and Adult Education are meeting in our spacious Social Hall with its state-of-the-art sound and video system. Please check the Events and Calendar page for dates and times of these and other events.
Attendees at services and programs should please leave any large bags, backpacks or packages locked in their cars, as such items are not allowed in the building or on the grounds of Congregation Shaara Tfille.
In accordance with CDC and NYS recommendations, proof of Covid vaccinations is no longer required to attend services or events at Shaara Tfille. While masks are no longer required, it is each attendee’s choice to wear a mask or not.
You may also continue to worship with us via Zoom on Shabbat and at Morning Minyan. Please call the office for the Zoom link or request the link by going to the Website’s Contact Us page and selecting Office as the recipient of your request. Nonmembers who would like to attend services at the synagogue should call the Office or contact the Office by using the link on the Website’s Contact Us page for attendance requirements.
Congregation Shaara Tfille recognizes women as part of the required minyan and women participate equally in our services. We are particularly proud of the several members of our Sisterhood who have chanted the Haftorah for Yom Kippur for the last several years.
Who We Are
Welcominig to all Jews, inter-faith families and the LGBTQ community.
Our Rabbi
Working to sustain and grow a community living a vibrant, joyous Judaism.
Sisterhood, Men’s Club, Culture Connection and Jewish War Veterans.
Education & Library
Providing our students with awareness of their Jewish identity and values through education.
Events &
We can accommodate large banquets, luncheons, Weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, kiddushes, onegs, baby naming and more.
The only Jewish and interfaith cemetery in the City of Saratoga Springs.
Our Hebrew School
Our program strives to provide our students with awareness of their Jewish identity and values through education. We teach Jewish traditions, history, Hebrew, and life cycle events in a warm and individualized environment. We offer classes for children ages 3-13, Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation and a post-Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program. All classes will meet in the synagogue.
Adult Education
Throughout the year, various classes are offered by Rabbi Boaz Marmon, with topics including Torah, historical and contemporary issues. Each Monday, the Adult Education Class is currently studying and discussing Ancient Israel: The Former Prophets: Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings by Robert Alter.
Lots of Ways to Get Involved
Believing that all Jews who seek a place of worship should be treated with respect and equality.
The Scroll is Congregation Shaara Tfille’s bi-monthly newsletter.
Kosher food, general information, outreach, youth and diversity programs.
Gift Shop
Judaica for daily use, holiday items, cookbooks and gifts. Buy now and support us.
Photo Gallery
A photographic chronicle of our congregation, our synagogue and our community
Currently suspended due to COVID-19. When open, BINGO is available to the entire community.
Live Stream
Various videos, programs and services broadcast online.
Donations to Congregation Shaara Tfille are a crucial part of our annual budget.
Contact Us
We’re happy to answer questions, address concerns and listen to ideas.
Join Us!
“What does religion offer that we lonely human souls need? In a word, it offers community. Our place of worship offers us a refuge, an island of caring in the midst of a hostile, competitive world. In a society that segregates the old from the young, the rich from the poor, the successful from the struggling, this house of worship represents one place where the barriers fall and we all stand equal before God.”
Harold S. Kushner
Siddur Sim Shalom

We welcome you to Congregation Shaara Tfille, the Conservative congregation of Saratoga Springs, N.Y. With a rich congregational history spanning over one hundred years, we are proud to offer the opportunity to worship in an egalitarian, Conservative congregation, that recognizes women in all areas of worship, leadership and participation, and to provide a home to all those of the Jewish faith and those connected to the Jewish faith by relationship and/or interest in Judaism. Our services and programs are designed to be inclusive to all: traditional Jewish families, inter-faith families and the LGBTQIA+ community.
We invite you to explore our Website, designed to be accessible from mobile devices and to be in substantial conformance with the American’s With Disabilities Act (the “ADA”), with expanded features to enable you to easily connect to all we have to offer at Congregation Shaara Tfille.
ט״ו בשבט – Tu B’Shvat, also known as “The New Year of the Trees,” is a minor Jewish holiday celebrated on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat (this year, from the evening of Wednesday, February 12, to Thursday, February 13).
The holiday is traditionally observed with a special seder featuring a variety of fruits and vegetables. It is customary to include the seven species mentioned in the Torah: wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and dates. Other popular foods often enjoyed during Tu B’Shvat include dried fruits, apples, pears, almonds, walnuts, and carob.
Congregation Shaara Tfille President